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Privacy & Terms

This Privacy Policy sets out our commitment to protecting the privacy of your personal information that we collect through this website or directly from you.

Privacy Policy

Your personal information is important to us

A2 Rubbish Removal (“we”, “our”, “us”) is committed to protecting your privacy. We recognise that you have a right to control how your personal information is collected and used. We know that providing personal information is an act of trust and we take that seriously.

We are bound by the Australian Privacy Principles (“APPs”) and the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (“Privacy Act”). We have adopted this privacy policy to comply with the APPs, which includes policies and procedures to protect the personal information that we collect about you.

Key terms used in this privacy policy

We use a number of key terms in this privacy policy, including “collect”, “consent” and“personal information”. You will find definitions of these terms at the end of this policy.

Why do we collect your personal information?


We only collect personal information if it is considered reasonably necessary to perform our functions and activities as an organisation.

What personal information do we collect about you?

In order to provide our services (including via online bookings), we are required to collect your personal information to process the booking and payment.

Examples of some of the personal information we will collect, include:

  • your name;

  • address;

  • phone number;

  • email address;

  • delivery details; and

  • credit/debit card payment information.


How do we collect information about you?

Directly from you: We usually collect your personal information from you directly when you provide information to us through our website, when we speak to you on the telephone, when we correspond with you by letter or email, when we meet with you in person, if you provide us with documents that contain your personal information. When we collect personal information from you we will do it in a lawful, fair and non-intrusive way.

How do we store and protect your personal information?

We take reasonable steps to protect your personal information from misuse, interference, loss, unlawful access, modification and disclosure.


We store any hardcopies of documents containing your personal information securely.


Electronic information is stored with security measures implemented to ensure the security and confidentiality of the documents and the personal information contained in them.


What do we do with your personal information?

Generally, we will only use or disclose your personal information for the purpose that we collected it for.
However, we may use or disclose your personal information for secondary purposes that relate to our functions and activities if we have your consent do so, or without your consent if the APPs permit us to do so (for example, if you would reasonably expect us to use your information for the secondary purpose).

We will only use your personal information for a secondary purpose if it is related to the reason why we collected your personal information. In some circumstances we are permitted or authorised by or under an Australian law or a court/tribunal order to use or disclose your personal information. For example, if our disclosure of your information will reduce or prevent a serious threat to life, health or safety, or our disclosure is in response to any unlawful activity.

Any personal information given to us will not be shared, sold, or given to any third parties, unless required or authorised under the exemptions set out in the Privacy Act.

Direct marketing

We may, from time to time, use or disclose your personal information for the purpose of direct marketing if:

  • we collected the information from you; and

  • you have consented to us using or disclosing your personal information for direct marketing, or you would reasonably expect us to use or disclose your personal information for direct marketing purposes.


If we do use or disclose your personal information for direct marketing, we will provide you with a simple way to unsubscribe from receiving our direct marketing communications. If you follow our process for unsubscribing, we will no longer send you these communications.


We will also act in accordance with the Do Not Call Register Act 2006 (Cth) and the Spam Act 2003 (Cth).


Quality of personal information

We aim to ensure that your personal information is accurate and complete.


Please contact us if the information you have provided is incorrect, and we will use all reasonable efforts to correct the information we hold.


Disclosure to overseas recipients

We may store the personal information that we collect either locally in Victoria, or in cloud infrastructure.

Our arrangements with our practice management platform provider, and our IT suppliers and service providers, ensure that at all times we maintain control of personal information we collect, and prohibit those providers and suppliers from using or disclosing personal information for purposes other than providing services to us.


Access to personal information

If you would like to access the personal information that we hold about you, please write to our Privacy Officer at our contact details set out below. This right is subject to some exceptions allowed by law.


We will respond to your request within a reasonable time. There are some situations set out in the APPs where we will not be able to give you access to personal information (for example, if giving you access would breach someone else’s privacy rights).


Correction of personal information
If you would like to correct the personal information that we hold about you, you can write to our Privacy Officer at our contact details listed below.


If you believe that we have failed to meet our privacy obligations, or breached your privacy rights, you may make a written complaint to our Privacy Officer. Our contact details are set out below.


The Privacy Officer will review your complaint, consider our conduct in relation to the complaint and the requirements of the APPs, and will consider appropriate action. The Privacy Officer will inform you of his or her decision within 30 days of receiving the complaint.


If you are unhappy following the determination of the Privacy Officer, you may make a complaint to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.

Policy reviews
We will review and revise our policies from time to time. If any changes are made to this policy, we will post those changes on the relevant section of our website.


Definitions of key terms

“collect” Personal information will be “collected” if it is received or taken from a generally available public document and then stored in a record.


“consent” You can give consent either:

  • expressly – express consent is given explicitly either in writing or orally; or

  • impliedly – your consent will be implied where your consent can be inferred from your conduct and our conduct.


“personal information” Personal information is defined in the Privacy Act. In summary, personal information is information or an opinion about an identifiable person, or a reasonably identifiable person no matter whether:

  • the information or opinion is true or false; and

  • the information or opinion recorded in a material form or not.


Some examples of personal information include a person’s name, address and date of birth.


What this privacy policy does not apply to

This privacy policy does not apply to:

  • acts or practices that are directly related to our employee records of current or former employees; and

  • information about companies, individual partners or sole traders acting in a business capacity.

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